Jordan, Middle East

Jordan Escorted Tours

With a wealth of history and culture at your fingertips, an escorted tour to Jordan is an ideal opportunity to experience a world far from your own. Experience a range of locations such as Amman and its captivating downtown area that offers a range of museums, to the truly remarkable Dead Sea in the Jordan Valley Rift; submerged 400 metres below sea level, it is the lowest point on earth and its vast stretch of water is renowned as the deepest hypersaline lake in the world.

Whilst traversing Jordan, no visit to this country would be complete without a trip to undoubtedly one of the most impressive sites - the Nabatean city of Petra. Also known as the ‘Rose City’ because of its red, white and pink sandstone, this site was granted UNESCO World Heritage Site status in 1985, as well as being deemed one of the seven New Wonders of the World. A Jordan Escorted Tour is a truly magnificent experience which will last a lifetime, which offers all of the above and much more